Before reading this article in the New Yorker I did not know several basic facts in the gun debate. I had no idea there were 300 million guns in America. In the United States today there is one gun for every man, woman, and child in this country. In addition I had no idea that the NRA's main purpose used to be protecting the recreational/hunting use of the rifle. This differs significantly from today when the NRA's main purpose is protecting the 2nd amendment, and fighting gun control laws. Also, I had no idea that although there are 300 million guns in America, the amount of households owning guns has declined since the 1970s. The gun control debate reminds me of the debate over our national debt. Both sides have dug into their respective positions. There is little to no room for debate. Instead insults are hurled by both sides, and in the mean time no progress is made on either issue. The gun debate affects me personally because my cousin is Police Officer in the SFPD. He says that the prevalence of firearms in America makes his job significantly harder. He claims police work would safer, and easier if gun laws were tightened. My only question is what was the fate of recent gun control legislation in Congress. Answer: Even with President Obama's full support gun control legislation failed to pass the Senate.
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