Thursday, October 24, 2013

Issue Post: Political Parties

Political Parties

Republicans and Democrats have very different ideas on the national debt and financial regulation. Democrats believe that their should stringent regulation of the financial services sector. In their opinion, Banks should be required by law to have a certain amount of capital on their balance sheets, should not be allowed to engage in proprietary trading (Trading for profit with Bank's money), and should not be allowed to become "Too big to Fail." On the issue of National Debt Democrats believe that a balanced approach is needed. They believe tax hikes for the highest earners, closing corporate tax loopholes, modest spending cuts, and small changes to entitlement is sufficient to reduce the national debt.  Republican's on the other hand have a different philosophy. They believe in light regulation of the financial services sector. They believe that the SEC should monitor illegal activities, such as insider trading, but in most cases they believe the free market should be allowed to work. Republicans strongly oppose increased regulation. On the issue of the National Debt, Republicans believe that major spending cuts, and serious reforms to entitlements are needed to reduce the national debt. Republican's do not support any attempt to raise taxes. America does have a serious problem. We tax like a small government, yet spend like a big one. The solution is not to raise taxes so that we can continue to spend like a big government. The solution is to cut spending, and decrease the role of government in our lives. One party, the Republicans adheres to this philosophy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Post: Redistricting Game

I learned several key concepts after completing the redistricting game. One of the key facts I learned is the difference between reapportionment and redistricting. When a state redraws boundaries of House Districts in a state, that is redistricting. Reapportionment is where the number of Congressional seats changes based on fluctuations in population. For example after the 2010 Census Michigan lost one congressional seat, while Texas gained four congressional seats. In the game, and in most States, State Legislatures control redistricting. Although subject to the approval of the Governor and Courts, many State Legislatures gerrymander the process in order to create districts made up voters from their party. This creates districts that are overwhelmingly made up of voters from one party, creating a polarized political environment. California has attempted to fix this problem by creating the California Citizens Redistricting Commission. This commission is made up of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. After the Census they are tasked with fairly, logically, and non-partisanly. Many States are considering adoopting this approach to take the partisanship out of politics.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Issue Post: Polling

Polling is key to resolving our national debt. Right now, Democrats and Republicans have two very different plans for cutting spending and reducing the national debt. The Democrats plan involves tax increases on the highest earning brackets, along with modest adjustments to entitlements. While Republicans advocate a plan that drastically cuts spending, reforms entitlements, and repeals the Affordable Care Act. Before the 2012 election, polls showed that a majority of Americans supported the Republican stance on the national debt. However, the Democrats maintained control of both the White House, and the Senate during the elections. Now in October of 2013 polls show the Republicans have lost a large amount of their credibility as a result of the debt ceiling/Government shutdown. Only in recent days as new polls have come out have Republicans signaled a willingness to compromise. The future of the Debt Crisis will be decided in the next few years by who the polls favor. If after this crisis, polls show the Democrats have a commanding lead on the issue, Republicans will be forced to compromise. If polls show the public supports the Republicans on the debt issue, prepare for major changes to Medicare, and Government spending.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog Post: Immigration

To become a citizen of the United States, you must follow a multi-step process. First you must apply for a green card, or visa. Then you must live in the United States for 5 years. At this point you are elgible to take the Naturalization Test and become an official US citizen. The Naturalization Exam tests your knowledge off "Be able to read, write, and speak English and have knowledge and an understanding of U.S. history and government." In the spring of 2013 after months of behind the scenes meetings, a group of eight senators (including John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio) announced they had agreed on a framework for comprehensive immigration reform. After months of negotiation the group unveiled a bill that: Increased HB-1 Visas (supported by Tech companies), a pathway to citizenship, increased border security, and Guest-Worker Program). It was praised by both sides of the aisle and the non-partisan CBO even said it would lower the deficit. On June 27, 2013 the Senate passed the bill. However, the House has refused to even take up the bill. Instead the House insists that comprehensive immigration reform would be a mistake, they believe the issue would be better addressed by a series of small bills. The House is yet to pass a single one of these bills. The Government shutdown has further delayed reform efforts, leaving the fate of the Senate bill uncertain.

Blog Post: Ted Talk

I was very surprised to learn that there are real differences in the makeup of a liberal personality, and a conservative personality. For example, the average liberal is significantly more open to new experiences then the average conservative. In addition, it was fascinating to learn that you are born with a predisposition to a certain ideology, children are not born as a "blank slate." However, nature is still the most important part of choosing your political ideology. Another interesting fact was that conservatives prefer loyalty and protectivness, while liberals value friendliness and creativity.

I had a personal connection with the video. Both my parents are Clinton Democrats, even though everyone else in my extended family is a staunch conservative. When I formulated my first political opinion, and supported George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential Election my mom told me I got my political leanings from my Grandpa. Ever since I have always believed my that I was born with a predisposition to conservatism. My environment just helped to bring out the trait. I studied this same topic in my Eight grade history class. My teacher then said people are either liberal or conservative based on what interest group they fall into. He said a person's personality does not play a critical role in their voting habits. However, Jonathan Haidt disproved this theory completely. 

My only question is what political party does Jonathan Haidt belong to? Prior to the 2004 Election Mr. Haidt was a liberal who believed conservatism was a “Frankenstein monster.”
However, after stumbling across a book about conservatism at bookstore in New York City Mr. Haidt started a year long transition to the political center. He now identifies himself as a centrist.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog Post: Amendments

Correction: The 15 states whose legislatures have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia.
