Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog Post: Ted Talk

I was very surprised to learn that there are real differences in the makeup of a liberal personality, and a conservative personality. For example, the average liberal is significantly more open to new experiences then the average conservative. In addition, it was fascinating to learn that you are born with a predisposition to a certain ideology, children are not born as a "blank slate." However, nature is still the most important part of choosing your political ideology. Another interesting fact was that conservatives prefer loyalty and protectivness, while liberals value friendliness and creativity.

I had a personal connection with the video. Both my parents are Clinton Democrats, even though everyone else in my extended family is a staunch conservative. When I formulated my first political opinion, and supported George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential Election my mom told me I got my political leanings from my Grandpa. Ever since I have always believed my that I was born with a predisposition to conservatism. My environment just helped to bring out the trait. I studied this same topic in my Eight grade history class. My teacher then said people are either liberal or conservative based on what interest group they fall into. He said a person's personality does not play a critical role in their voting habits. However, Jonathan Haidt disproved this theory completely. 

My only question is what political party does Jonathan Haidt belong to? Prior to the 2004 Election Mr. Haidt was a liberal who believed conservatism was a “Frankenstein monster.”
However, after stumbling across a book about conservatism at bookstore in New York City Mr. Haidt started a year long transition to the political center. He now identifies himself as a centrist.

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