Monday, November 11, 2013

3-2-1 Post: Lobbyist's Playbook

The Lobbyists Playbook

I was shocked by several of the things I learned in the 60 Minutes clip "The Lobbyist's Playbook." I was shocked and horrified that one lobbyist at one point controlled 100 U.S. congressmen. This is blatantly wrong for one special interest to have so much power. I was also shocked to learn that so many Representatives and their staff members become lobbyists after they leave public office. This should be made illegal because it removes the incentive to reform programs that help special interest groups that could in the future pay these supposed public servants salaries. I was also surprised to learn it  was not illegal for lobbyists to take Congressmen on expensive trips, all expenses payed. 
This reminded me of my Eighth Grade Economics course where we learned that bank lobbyists were attempting to halt any effort to reform Wall Street after the Financial Crisis. This lobbying scandal also reminded me that throughout history there are examples of the toxic effect of money in government. In Cuba the corruption of the Government allowed special interests to dominate the country. This inspired Fidel Castro to start a revolution and create a communist nation. 
My one question is what happened to Tom Delay? After some research I found that he was forced to resign as House Majority Leader, vacate his House Seat, and he was criminally indicted. He was found guilty in 2011, but his conviction was overturned in 2013.

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