Wednesday, February 12, 2014

3-2-1 Obama's Way

I learned that President Obama is a competitor. He plays basketball with people who will challenge him and make him a better player. Instead of playing with people who he could easily play with he surrounds himself with former college and pro players. I also learned that he often golfs with junior staffers, rather than foreign leaders or CEOs. In addition, I learned that believes cable news is truly toxic and he prefers to watch ESPN. I connected this to an internship I had where I did fundraising for Mitt Romney. My boss told me he too enjoys spending time with his junior staffers. I also connected this to President Bush's autobiography Decision Points. In that book he writes that he too found exercise to be an excellent stress relief. My one question is this why would Michael Lewis write such a puff piece? The answer is that Michael Lewis is a Democrat who lives in Berkeley and he decided to give the President a softball interview.

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