Monday, March 24, 2014

3-2-1 Post: Abortion Rights

I learned several new things from this article. First of all I had no idea the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade was coming up. Secondly I was shocked that the number of abortion clinics has declined in the United States since the early 1980s. When reading or watching the news you often get the feeling that abortion has become incredibly common in the United States. The most interesting thing I learned was that North Dakota, South Dakota, and Alabama only have one abortion clinic in the entire State. I made two connections to the article. The article mention how since the 2010 Midterms Republicans have passed multiple laws limiting access to abortions. They same Republicans who swept the 2010 Midterms have also passed strict voter ID laws and removed gun stringent gun laws. My one question is why if there are less abortion clinics has the overall number of abortions gone down? The answer pre-marital sex is on the decline and sexual education has become more prevalent in schools.,9171,2132761-1,00.html

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